About blog

This blog is created as the diary of the experiment performed by me with the purpose of gaining experience in motor racing. In particular, during this experiment I will try to answer the following questions:

a) can an ordinary person after 30 begin a racing career without complete separation from the main place of work, to become a racing driver (in this blog I will use this word in the universal, broad sense of the word) and participate in amateur (and maybe semi-professional) motor racing championships?

b) can these objectives be achieved without the parents’ / own (where applicable) millions, say, in 5-7 years?

c) are there any opportunities in Russia for achievement by an ordinary person of the specified goals?

d) what is necessary for victory and will I be able to win?

First of all, this blog will serve as my own incentive to move forward, I will need to write new posts for potential readers, and for this purpose I will have to gain new racing experience.

Secondly, it could be my diary, where my steps are described and analysed.

Finally, I hope that it will become a platform for sharing new information in both directions (I will share my observations with readers, will collect, filter and generalize information, and in return I will get valuable advices on further development).


I would like to note that in my blog I don’t give recommendations and don’t describe techniques of training in karting or other racing skills. The fact is that I am not a professional racing driver, and I can’t act as a trainer or mentor, because I have neither the required experience, nor the temperament. I can only share my impressions and emotions based on my experience. I would like to ask all my readers to filter the obtained information and to analyze it through their own experiences and attitudes.